Εξαγωγικές εταιρείες από την Ευρώπη






Γλώσσες παρουσίασης ιστοσελίδας /FR/NL/EN/DE

Τα προϊόντα μας

Summer Vegetables

Apart from tomatoes, lettuces and sweet peppers, Demargro also supplies numerous other summer vegetables, the most important of which are cucumbers, aubergines and courgettes. However, you can also call on Demargro for specific summer vegetables. Cucumbers are dark green in colour and are straight, regular and not pointy in form. They have a good appearance and uniform grading. They are fresh, firm, undamaged and any flowers have been removed. They have a good storage life (regular storage life tests). Aubergines are purple in colour and have a shiny skin. The fruit is well developed (correct harvest time), firm, regular in form and not burned by the sun. The calyx is intact and the stem is short, green and cut off flat. Courgettes have a uniform green colour over their entire surface, are free of damage and naturally curved and all petals have been removed. They have a short stem. The cut-off face must not be too wet. They are free of soil and are not burned by the sun. Cucumbers and courgettes are best kept at a temperature of 10 to 13°C, aubergines at 15°C, and at a relative humidity of 90 to 95%. Do not keep aubergines together with ethylene-producing fruits such as tomatoes, apples, bananas and citrus fruit. Cover them to prevent dehydratation.

Sweet Peppers

Belgian sweet peppers are uniform in colour, are firm and fresh and have a shiny skin.They are regular and rectangular, stumpy and well developed. The fruit is at least as long as it is wide. They have an undamaged green calyx and are free of cracks, spots or burns.They have a stem that is evenly cut off at the natural fracture. Sweet peppers are best kept at a temperature of 10 to 13°C and a relative humidity of 90 to 95%; cover to prevent dehydration. Grades By colour: red, green, yellow, orange or mixed By size: 65 – 75 mm, 75 -85 mm, 85 – 95 mm, 95 – 105 mm, + 105 mm

Sweet Peppers

Belgian sweet peppers are uniform in colour, are firm and fresh and have a shiny skin.They are regular and rectangular, stumpy and well developed. The fruit is at least as long as it is wide. They have an undamaged green calyx and are free of cracks, spots or burns.They have a stem that is evenly cut off at the natural fracture. Sweet peppers are best kept at a temperature of 10 to 13°C and a relative humidity of 90 to 95%; cover to prevent dehydration. Grades By colour: red, green, yellow, orange or mixed By size: 65 - 75 mm, 75 -85 mm, 85 - 95 mm, 95 - 105 mm, + 105 mm


Demargro supplies a whole range of Belgian quality tomatoes, including both loose tomatoes and tomatoes on the vine. Belgian tomatoes with firm flesh, the same colour over their entire skin, a shiny skin, regular in form and free of deformations and damage. Tomatoes should be kept at a temperature of 12 to 16°C. Grades Loose tomatoes • Baron: + 70 mm, + 82 mm • Prince: + 47 mm, + 57 mm Tomatoes on the vine • Elite: medium: + 5 tomatoes/vine • Princess: large: + 4 tomatoes/vine • Pittoresk: medium: + 5 tomatoes/vine • Prunella: medium: + 5 tomatoes/vine • Ministar: very fine: + 7 tomatoes/vine We also offer the entire range of specialties such as kumato, sweet pink, bellino, toruto, mini prunella etc.

Winter vegetables

Chicory has a symmetrical shape and a fresh appearance. The leaves are undamaged, there are no colour deviations and the top is well closed. The head is firm. The outer leave reaches to at least ¾ of the head’s length. The base of the head is cut off evenly and looks fresh. The environmentally friendly cultivation method is guaranteed through cultivation registration and monitoring. Belgian chicory has a long storage life. The chicory is conditioned between 2 and 5°C and protected against daylight. The guaranteed storage life can be checked by the date shown in the inspection stamp of the auction in question. (only for Flandria Q) Carrots of Demargro are of an excellent quality, are well formed and fully grown. The carrots are straight, intact and free of cuts, cracks and frost damage. Belgian carrots have the typical colour of the variety and are free of green, purple or violet discolorations on the upper part. Bunch carrots furthermore have firm fresh green leaves. Mushrooms are firm, fresh and free of strange odours or flavours. The mushrooms do not have brown spots and do not have a film or scales. Mushroom are chilled at a temperature of 1 to 2°C. The product is sensitive to draughts and drops of water.


Flanders (northern Belgium) has by nature the ideal climate and the perfect soil to cultivate slowly growing cabbages and celeriac. It goes without saying that Demargro offers several kinds of cabbage of the highest quality. Cauliflowers with a uniform white colour and a fresh leaf. Similarly shaped flowers all over the surface with a firm granular structure. Broccoli, well developed and uniform in shape, with firm flowers and a compact granular structure. Cauliflowers are best kept at a temperature of 2 to 3°C, broccoli at 1 to 2°C. Both cabbages are best kept at a relative humidity of 90-95%. White cabbages, green cabbages and Savoy cabbages are firm and intact, with a firm structure, uniform in shape and size and free of frost damage. White cabbages are white green in colour. Red cabbages are dark red to purplish red in colour. Savoy cabbages have a light green head and a dark green outer leaf. Red cabbages, white cabbages and Savoy cabbages are best kept at a temperature of 0 to 1°C. During stacking the cut-off face may not touch the outer leaves of another cabbage. Celeriac has a fresh appearance with or without leaves. The bulb is well developed and has a regular shape. The bulbs are firm and are dry to the touch. The roots have been cut off at the bulb. Celeriac has a uniform white colour on the inside. Celeriac is kept at a temperature of 2 to 5°C and a relative humidity of 90-95%


Demargro is the leading specialist in Belgian Flandria leek. It is Demargro’s most important export product during the winter months. The leaf of the leek is dark green and the roots are cut off evenly. The white part of the stem is perfectly straight and smooth. Leeks are best kept at 2 to 3°C and at a relative humidity of 90-95%. In cooperation with a machine designer, Demargro has developed a completely new packaging machine for packaging leek in net bags. The traditional gunny sack was replaced by a completely new concept. This application makes it possible to print all desired customer information on the packaging. Grades Autumn and winter leeks • Loose: 2 – 3 cm, 3 – 4 cm, + 4 cm • Bunches: 700 g or 1 kg • Bags: 1 kg / 2 kg / 3 kg / 5 kg or according to the wishes of the customer


Demargro selects the best apple varieties with the highest return for your customers. Top varieties are Jonagold, Boskoop, Jonagored, Greenstar, Kanzi, Golden Delicious and Granny Smith. Grades by size: • laid apples are graded per 5mm • loose apples are graded per 10mm Apples can be supplied in all kinds of packaging.


The delicious Belgian strawberry is shiny red, intact and dry. It is firm, plump and free of bruises or sand. The strawberry’s calyx is fresh green in colour. Strawberries are juicy, are orange on the inside and have a good flavour and a reasonably strong aroma. They contain very high amounts of vitamins (A, B and C) and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium). Furthermore they are very low in calories. Hoogstraten Veiling is Demargro’s main strawberry supplier. This product is also supplied in customeroriented packagings. For example, we have 2 kg strawberry boxes from April to December. Strawberries are graded by the size of the fruit, presentation and freshness. For diameter grading the following standards apply: 4A: > 45 mm 3A: < 45 mm, >35 mm 2A: < 40 mm, > 35 mm A: < 35 mm, > 31 mm B*: < 31 mm, > 27 mm C*: > 22 mm Strawberries are best kept at a temperature of 1 to 5°C.

Γλώσσες παρουσίασης ιστοσελίδας /FR/NL/EN/DE

Εταιρικό προφίλ


A solid partner in fruit and vegetables

When you think of fruit and vegetables, you think of Demargro. Established in 1975, Demargro has over 35 years of experience in the world of fruit and vegetables and has evolved into one of the largest exporters of fresh fruit and vegetables thanks to the efforts of our entire team.
Flexibility in any field, catering to market needs, and constant quality combined with the best service at a correct price increasingly consolidate this position.

Expertise in export

Demargro bvba exports the full range of fruit and vegetables of the highest quality to all European countries.

Packaging and storage: flexibility at any level.

Solid team

An important aspect for you is our flexibility in the field of packaging. To meet your wishes, we have an entire team at our disposal to package all products in accordance with your specific needs. A total of at least 30 staff members are engaged in packaging all kinds of fruit and vegetables on a daily basis. Specific orders can be delivered to the final destination in no time.

Innovation and specialisation

Leek, lettuce and tomatoes can be easily packaged under the customer’s label and barcodes. Thinking along with the customer is very important in this context. Each customer has their own needs and we try to meet these needs to the largest possible extent.

Perfect conditions

In its warehouse in Ardooie, Demargro has 6 separate cold stores with a total surface area of 3,000 m². These cold stores enable us to store all goods at the right temperature conditions. The total storage capacity amounts to 8000 m².

Integral quality guarantee

Supply control

Demargro guarantees that its products, fruit and vegetables are of the highest quality. Demargro is the leading specialist in Flandria products. At every auction we have a well-trained quality officer who monitors the quality of the products supplied.


Thanks to an advanced traceability system we can guarantee our customers full “traceability”. This enables us to map the entire “route” of a product from the moment it is sown to the moment we deliver to you.

Highest standards

Demargro meets the highest standards in the field of transport, storage and packaging. Demargro operates under an HACCP system. This enables us to guarantee the food safety of our product.

Our goal is maximum customer satisfaction.

Γλώσσες παρουσίασης ιστοσελίδας /FR/NL/EN/DE

Στοιχεία επικοινωνίας



Tombrugstraat 11

8850 Ardooie

website : www.demargro.be