Γλώσσες παρουσίασης ιστοσελίδας /EN/DE/IT
Τα προϊόντα μας

SAUMWEBER Feinbackbutter
Butterzubereitung mit Vanillin – ohne Verarbeitungsauflagen für alle Teige Einfach in der Verarbeitung für feine Cremes für bestes Buttergebäck

Das butterfeine Backvergnügen ohne künstliche Zutaten 25% Butter laktosefrei Transfettsäuren <2% ohne Einsatz von Gentechnik keine synthetisch erzeugten Konservierungsstoffe ohne Farbstoff

SAUMWEBER Deutsche Markenbutter
Süßrahmbutter aus frischer Sahne hergestellt in der praktischen 2,5 kg Stange einzigartiger Buttergeschmack

SAUMWEBER Finella Back
Margarine ohne künstliche Zutaten saubere Deklaration Transfettsäuren <2% ohne Einsatz von Gentechnik laktosefrei erhöht die Produktion von zertifiziertem nachhaltigem Palmöl *Laktosegehalt unter 0,1g pro 100 g

SAUMWEBER Premiumbutter
mildgesäuerte Butter aus frischer Sahne hergestellt in der praktischen 2,5 kg Stange einzigartiger Buttergeschmack

SAUMWEBER Finella Plunder
Margarine ohne künstliche Zutaten saubere Deklaration Transfettsäuren <2% ohne Einsatz von Gentechnik laktosefrei erhöht die Produktion von zertifiziertem nachhaltigem Palmöl *Laktosegehalt unter 0,1g pro 100 g

SAUMWEBER Tourierbutter-Platte
garantiert hohe Qualität optimale Plastizität butterfeiner Geschmack einfache Verarbeitung auch in Bio-Qualität erhältlich

SAUMWEBER Finella Zieh
Margarine ohne künstliche Zutaten saubere Deklaration Transfettsäuren <2% ohne Einsatz von Gentechnik laktosefrei erhöht die Produktion von zertifiziertem nachhaltigem Palmöl *Laktosegehalt unter 0,1g pro 100 g

SAUMWEBER Tourierbutter-Platte CL
ohne synthetische Farbstoffe geschmeidige Konsistenz echter Buttergeschmack ohne Zusatz von fraktionierten Fetten

SAUMWEBER Finella Creme
Margarine ohne künstliche Zutaten saubere Deklaration Transfettsäuren <2% ohne Einsatz von Gentechnik laktosefrei erhöht die Produktion von zertifiziertem nachhaltigem Palmöl *Laktosegehalt unter 0,1g pro 100 g

SAUMWEBER Cuisine d’ Or – flüssige Pflanzencreme 10 l Kanister
zum Kochen, Braten, Backen und Frittieren mit natürlichem Butteraroma für eine natürliche und gesunde Ernährung ohne Kühlung haltbar leicht zu dosieren

SAUMWEBER Cuisine d’ Or – Frita longlife 10 l
flüssiges Frittieröl lange haltbar einfache Dosierung leichte Reinigung der Friteuse frei von gehärteten Fetten in der praktischen Ökobox
Γλώσσες παρουσίασης ιστοσελίδας /EN/DE/IT
Εταιρικό προφίλ
Our company
Quality needs EXPERIENCE
Experience forms the basis of everything.
In our case since more than 111 years.
To become a specialist for butter, fats and oils takes more than a day. To become a top supplier, the know-how must grow continuously like the annual rings of a tree: slowly and over a long period of time.
Our history of success started on January 14th, 1902, when Maria and August Saumweber founded a small dairy in an area of Munich called Au. In this dairy butter, yoghurt, curd cheese and other dairy products were freshly produced day by day from the milk delivered from farmers in the surrounding Bavarian countryside.
Within several generations these modest beginnings have developed into being a prime manufacturer of milk and vegetable fats with a Europe-wide reputation. Many things have changed throughout this permanent process of innovation and growth – however, one thing has remained: We are a family business and accordingly we are committed to values, such as fairness, confidence and reliability. Our special concern is to fulfil our responsibility for humans and the environment, and this is the way it should remain – also in the interest of all our loyal customers.
1902 August and Maria Saumweber found a dairy at Franziskaner Street in Munich.
1927 The brothers Dr. August and Jakob Saumweber start the production of yoghurt and kefir.
1934 The production is moved to Emil-Geis-Street (current address). The production expands to include concentrated butter, porcine and bovine fat and margarine.
1948 The product portfolio is considerably enlarged and the products are also sold to foreign countries.
1955 Dipl. Chem. Wilfried SAUMWEBER assumes the responsibility for product development and production.
1968 Market introduction of Butaris Butterschmalz (Butaris concentrated butter).
1998 Development of a quality management system and successful certification in accordance with EN DIN ISO 9001.
2000 The 4th generation join the company, Ariane Saumweber and Diplom-Betriebswirt Rainer Saumweber, sister and brother.
2002 On January 14th, 2002, A. SAUMWEBER GmbH celebrates its 100th anniversary.
2003 Introduction of the „Bio-Tourier-Butter“-Platte (puff pastry butter plate in organic quality) for organic bakeries and patisseries. Certification according to the „International Food Standard“ (iFS).
2004 Introduction of the Deutsche Markenbutter (high quality German butter, the German equivalent to “butter extra selected”), offered in different quantities for industry and trade.
2007 Introduction of “Bio-Butterreinfett” (organic clarified butter) for chocolate and pastry manufacturers. Introduction of „Sonnenweg Bio Butterschmalz” (organic concentrated butter) in organic natural food trade.
2010 Market introduction „Finella – Sortiment“ (Finella trade line), clean label margarines without artificial additives for bakery and confectionery trades.
2012 Market introduction of „Butteria Bio-Bratöl“ (organic frying oil) in organic natural food trade. New certifications: RSPO, Kosher and ÖKOPROFIT.
Quality needs CONFIDENCE
Quality signed and sealed.
Confidence forms the basis for long-term partnerships. This is why we are committed to confirming and strengthening your confidence day after day. Our prime goal is to continuously improve our products and optimise our manufacturing techniques. We give our customers the best we are able to produce based on our long experience. The beginning of this process is the careful selection of raw materials, followed by a production process which is based on state-of-the-art scientific findings. However, we do not leave it at that:
When it comes to supreme quality and product safety we do not compromise. Based on a specifically developed, multi-step monitoring programme our specialists ensure that our customers only receive highest-quality products. Quality monitoring cannot be overdone. After all, the success and satisfaction of our customers are at stake – and perfect enjoyment for everyone.
When it comes to quality, our philosophy is: 100% is not the maximum, it is the minimum.
This is ensured through our comprehensive quality management system, certified according to the international Food Standard (iFS). Food safety is our top priority, ensured by an implemented HACCP and Food Defense System. Additionally, we are certified for the manufacture of organically produced food and, if needed in our products, exclusively use certified sustainable palm oil
A. Saumweber GmbH understands active environmental protection as an obligation towards our employees, customers, neighbours, fellow citizens and the generations to follow.
This includes our choice of suppliers and raw materials, and we permanently inspect and monitor our entire production process, ending with the delivery of our finished products.
All measures are oriented towards the best available and economically applicable technology.
We adhere to the applicable legal regulations, directives, official and environmental provisions and regulations and integrate environmental protection measures in our existing organisational systems for work safety, the international Food Standard and the HACCP system.
A successful environmental protection can only be achieved if everyone in the company contributes. All our employees are informed and trained, so that active shared responsibility and effective environmental protection are a lifestyle at A. Saumweber GmbH.
In 2012 we were awarded the “Münchner ÖKOPROFIT-Betrieb” (Munich ECOPROFIT company) certificate. The next step will be the introduction of a tailored, process oriented environmental management system.
As of 2013, we have been member of the “Umweltpakt Bayern” (Bavarian Environmental Protection Pact).
Quality needs IDEAS
Active environmental protection is our guiding principle.
Environmental guideline
To protect our climate, environment and natural ressources is one of our essential business objectives.
We are committed to more effectively using the energy demand, to reducing environmental burden and saving costs. Through continuous process optimisation energy ressources are used more efficiently, so that an ongoing improvement of our environmental performance is achieved.
Quality needs IDEAS
The core of the matter.
No fat no fun
Many flavours and aromas depend on fat. For this reason, fat is an important flavour carrier, which intensifies the taste. Further, the essential vitamins A, D, E and K require fat to be made available to the body. As a consequence, oils and fats are a vital contribution to a healthy and balanced nutrition. We offer a large variety of fats and oils for a multitude of purposes.
SAUMWEBER in bakeries
High-quality raw materials form the basis for excellent bakery products. This is why top bakeries and patisseries rely on Saumweber. Saumweber baking butter, Finella Clean Label Margarine, Finella frying fat or the delicious Saumweber organic puff pastry butter plate ensure good results and a natural taste. High quality processing and reasonable prices are good reasons in favour of our products.
SAUMWEBER in industry
Food industries have a formula for success: Take Saumweber. No matter if you have chocolate, candies, icecream or fine food – an increasing number of renowned food manufacturers count on Saumweber raw materials, which are manufactured according to their own custom specifications.
SAUMWEBER in gastronomy
From butter to cooking margarine, from different frying fats to extra virgin olive oil. There is a great demand for Saumweber quality in gastronomy. In addition, our ecological single-use system and our specially developed multi-use system provide for a hygienic and practical use that saves time and money.
SAUMWEBER in retail trade
Whoever wants to cook needs fat, and it has to be highest quality fat. Quality-oriented consumers in retail trade therefore choose our renowned brands like „Butaris Butterschmalz“ (concentrated butter) as well as „Sonnenweg Bio-Butterschmalz“ (organic concentrated butter) and „Butteria Bio-Bratöl“ (organic frying oil) in natural food retail trade.
Quality needs SERVICE
Quality needs SERVICE
You are always on our minds.
We are strong partners for our customers
Reliability and fairness are our credo. Principally, there is a specific contact person for our customers, who offers perfectly designed solutions even for unusual ideas. Our work is focussed on individual advice and long-term customer relationships. The result is a consequent further development of our products and services.
The right product at the right time at the right place
Time is money and storage locks up capital. Good to know that our sophisticated logistics allow due delivery even on a short-term basis. Adherence to delivery dates and reliability are our top priority.
Specialised in you
We materialise your requests. Our strength is to respond to individual requirements, even if only small production quantities are needed. Customer-specific formulations, special pack sizes and individual system solutions are a natural part of our business. Advise with regard to the broad variety of the use of edible oils and fats as well as support in the development of new products are central elements of the service we offer.
Quality needs PERSONALITY
Quality needs PERSONALITY
SAUMWEBER GmbH employees
We strongly believe in the importance of personal contact.
Γλώσσες παρουσίασης ιστοσελίδας /EN/DE/IT
Στοιχεία επικοινωνίας
A. Saumweber GmbH
Emil-Geis-Straße 3-7
81379 Munich
Website : saumweber.biz